SinFP3 Operating System Fingerprinting Tool


SinFP3 is now available (mass press coverage wanted).

You can download latest version from CPAN:


Slides will follow in next days.

Like most pen testing tools, it takes a little effort to get up and running. We have documented the instructions below, stp-by-step. The first step is installing some Perl modules available on CPAN. Type the following as root, or use your system’s package manager.

# cpan Class::Gomor
# cpan DBD::SQLite
# cpan Digest::MD5
# cpan Net::Frame
# cpan Net::Frame::Device
# cpan Net::Frame::Dump
# cpan Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6
# cpan Net::Frame::Simple
# cpan Net::Libdnet
# cpan Net::Netmask
# cpan Net::Write
# cpan Net::Write::Fast
# cpan Parallel::ForkManager

Then, if all goes well, install Net::SinFP3:

# tar zxvf Net-SinFP3-X.YZ.tar.gz
# cd Net-SinFP3-X.YZ
# perl Makefile.PL
# make
# make test
# make install

You can find some support for our open source penetration testing tools on our mailing list.